Sunday, December 11, 2011


At some point in everyones lives, there comes a time when you feel alone. Not just the empty room alone, but the room full of people alone, where you think no one understands you. If you've been lucky enough to never have had this feeling, then savor it. I've had this feeling so many times I've lost count. Most of the time it's because something happens having to do with my type 1 diabetes. Tonight, I had just gotten home from a birthday party with all my friends, I was so happy and just content with life. Then I got into a conversation with my mom about when I could get my next insulin pump. For some reason, the whole conversation just annoyed me. I had just changed my insulin site and my insulin reservoir in my pump, and I think that it all got the best of me. I went upstairs to my room, and bent over to pick something off my floor. While I was doing this I pulled my insulin site and then I broke. How does anyone expect a teenager to deal with all of life's problems and then grow up with diabetes?  I think that it's hardest at school when I get the questions. There are the classic remarks such as, "What's on your arm?" Sometimes the person asking uses a snotty "I know everything" voice, and sometimes the person is genuinely interested and I appreciate when they are. But the other day I got a new remark. A girl whose locker is next to mine lightly bumped into me as I was putting my jacket on and said, "Oh my god! Are you ok? I get so nervous around you and I don't want to hurt your tubing thing. I would just die if I pulled it out of your arm!" I almost punched her. She would die? Try living with it.
What am I supposed to do in those situations? I guess even if someone were to tell me the answer, I wouldn't listen. It's one of those uncomfortable situations that you have to deal with on your own, even though it may be hard. As a diabetic in middle school, sometimes theres the prejudice about how all younger people think that diabetes means being over weight or pregnant. So it can sometimes be hard, especially because I know that type 1 and type 2 diabetes are both extremely hard diseases to deal with, and some people don't understand that, they think it's a joke but it's not, it's real. I am living proof. Not just of the disease, but of the struggles and overcoming them.

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